Wednesday 29 September 2010

Little Sami

This project has been on my To Do list for a year or so at least. Now I had a reason and a subject - my dear neighbours 40th birthday.  It was an interesting process, once I had got the hang of constructing the head and face it went very well. The body and in particular the arms seemed harder work! I am not sure I would repeat the project - of course if the money was right!!!!
 So here is little Sami

Monday 20 September 2010

Low on the go.

Rush out the house, need to buy birthday present. A looks peaky, check blood sugar, 2.8(50) - not ideal! Into supermarket - it's tasting day. Saved!! 4 bread chunks, 2 pieces of pineapple and 2 mini cups of coke - low sorted.  Hurray for free food!

Friday 10 September 2010

Hey NASA/MI5, need help?

As I staggered, lurched, crawled out of bed at 1.00am this morning, the chimes of Big Ben ringing in my head ( courtesy of my I pod alarm), I managed to avoid kicking the cat, standing on the small toy car parked conveniently in the bedroom door way and destroying the carefully laid out tea party for the Littlest Pet shop hamster.
It got better. Torch in mouth, glasses on, I quietly opened and shut the very loud top on the test strip bottle, inserted said strip the correct way into the blood sugar meter, muffling the very loud beep it makes when you do that.
  I then managed to wrestle a hand out that was well and truly buried in the duvet, select a finger that looked the cleanest, click and clunk the blood letter and dip the small end of the test strip into the smallest dot of blood.
Time for more deft pump programming, bolus for the high and then a quick bit of button pressing to set a temp basal to run through til morning.
Job done in 3 minutes, back to bed and no one even stirred, not even the cat!
Impressive or what!!!!