Wednesday, 2 July 2008

One month later..........

A month with nothing new , my apologies. June was a busy month with every weekend being spent away from home. Fun but tiring, and the humungous piles of washing that materialise after a few days away from home! - takes me all week to clear it and then it reappears, Arghhhh!
What were we up to you may ask? Visits to the summer cottage - more fishing with a couple of good catches, the interment of my father in laws ashes - simple but very moving, midsummer jollifications(and yes it rained), orienteering in Jukola Viesti, the biggest relay race in the world( I think)with some friends over from UK - exhausting but a great weekend. I have even managed some felting and the snowmen are slowly multiplying!
Holiday time is now here, the children have finished daycare so my peace has been shattered. I have been digging out the old favourites to keep them busy, bubbles, the paddling pool and making slushies! Happy Holidays!!

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